Houseleague Outdoor
starting Monday, APRIL 28, 2025
For Field Conditions please check the Facilities Tab
Below you will find the Houseleague Schedules and Houseleague Rules of the Association.
Our Programs follow the Alberta Soccer and Canada Soccer outlines, including the LTPD (Long Term Player Development) Model.
The Little Kickers are 3 years old, and the program is Festival Style learning. The Micro program is for 4 year olds.
The U7 age group play Stations with Rotations, and is for 5 and 6 year old players.
The Little Kickers, Micro, and U7 Programs are Festival Style, Grassroots Programs: THIS IS GRASSROOTS
U9 (7 and 8 year olds) play 7 on 7 which includes goalkeepers. They may play a Tournament at this level.
Our U11 program is in full compliance with Alberta Soccer, with official sized fields and goals. They play 9 vs 9 soccer.
The U13's are the start of our Travel Team program. They have Houseleague as well as Travel (9 v 9 half field).
At the moment, the oldest age group we have is the U15/U17 combined. They play full field, 11 on 11 soccer.
Our littlest athletes are now part of the Timbits Soccer Program. Thank you for your support!!