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Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  How can I learn more about the Association?

A:  While this website has most of the information you should need, those wanting to know more about the interworkings of the Association are encouraged to come out to our Annual General Meeting (AGM).  This is typically mid-April, and is advertised in the newspaper, Facebook, as well as this website. Our Facebook Page (Drayton Valley District Soccer Association) is an interactive way to get quick answers.


Q:  Where can I Volunteer?

A:  We are always looking for help with our ambitious program.  Referees, Field Setup, Age Group Coordinators, and our Wind Up are always crucial areas needing the most amount of volunteers.  Depending on your desire, you can contact our Technical Director, Program Coordinators, or appropriate Director (found on the Staff Directory page).


Q:  I might like to Coach, but have no idea what is involved.

A:  Coaching in our program is easy!  Okay, we have made great efforts to make coaching a less difficult task.  We believe in "more teams of less players", so you often only have a few to manage at a time.  You are given a Coaching Booklet, which includes everything pertinent to the age group you are coaching; from rules, game formats, how to handle an emergency situation, and even weekly drills.  We also hold a Coaching Clinic to catch you up on our beliefs and standards.  Our Technical Director and Head Coach is easily accessible throughout.  We simply cannot have a successful program without you!


Q:  How do I obtain a Security Clearance?  (Police Clearance CPIC or Child Intervention Check)

A:  Volunteers in our program require a quick and painless background check.  Coordinators, coaches, and other positions in our program can get a CPIC and Intervention Check by grabbing a Volunteer Form from us to take to the RCMP. Security Clearances are considered good for two years.


Q:  When is Registration?

A:  Registration typically takes place during the last week of February, and the first week of March.


Q:  I missed Registration.  Is it too late?

A:  Late Registrations are accepted until the end of April.  We no longer accept post dated cheques.  At times, we need a few more players in certain age groups to create more equal teams.  If you are inquiring after our registration deadlines, your best bet is to contact the appropriate Coordinator for that age group to see if they are accepting any more registrations.


Q:  Are there refunds?

A:  We typically do not honor refunds.  However, if your child has tried our program, and within the first games does not enjoy it, we can hear your situation.  This is especially true of the youngest age groups.  All refunds are case by case.


Q:  What is the Travel Team Program?

A:  Our Travel Teams are from the U13 age group and older.  It is considered our "more competitive" side.  Teams are formed which represent our town, and play within our District.  They have additional practices during the week.  Our teams play two games on Saturdays, as well as Tournaments.  An example of teams in our District are Jasper, Hinton, Edson, Whitecourt, Evansburg, and Stony Plain.  Please contact our Travel Program Coordinator should this interest you!
We also offer our U9 and U11 players a chance to enter a Tournament, to give them a taste of competition and the parents an idea of what travel commitments can be like.


